Today approx 100 truck loads of rock from Childers left for Curtis Island at Gladstone. This follows the successful export of rock from Holcim's Innes Park quarry in May last year.
Bundaberg Sugar Terminal, low tide, with Gladstone tug "Agros" and barge "MS1802" awaiting the pilot's orders.
Another spectator, having a feed while awaiting for the barge to leave
Barge "MS1802" being pushed into position by local tug "Ballina"
Traffic at the river mouth - left to right, barge "MS1802", pilot vessel "Kareela", unknown yacht, Bundy tug "Ballina" and the towing tug "Agros"
This week could be a busy week at the port with a "race" between "Doris" whch is sailing from Whyalla, and "New Ambition" which is sailing from Kobe in Japan. Both ships are due off the river mouth tomorrow. Twenty minutes ago (16:40 EST), "Doris" was off Forster and is expected off Bargara about 23:00EST tomorrow. "New Ambition" has not yet appeared on the local AIS ship location system yet. |
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